Every fungal disease has an infectious soil. That is, it is caused by pathogenic fungi that most commonly affect the skin or nails (nail plates are essentially modified, keratinized skin). But if fungal lesions of soft tissues (including the skin) can be treated without much trouble, if chosen correctly, then nail fungus is much more difficult and longer to treat. In particular, if it works, that is, for a long time no one has paid due attention to the disease, hoping that "it will disappear anyway. " Therefore, instead of treating a neglected, already ingrained disease, it is much better tosuppress it in the early stages of development. And it is even more optimal to prevent infection! This article will help you with this.
The legs are no less aesthetically important part of the body than the hands or even the face. Especially in the warm season, when the open shoes and the beach season come.
But at a time when for some they become the object of pride and even general admiration, for others they can cause the greatest aesthetic discomfort.
It's all about the fungus. By acting one by one on the toenails, this makes them not only unattractive but also aesthetically unacceptable.
The feet change color and structure, lose their integrity and can give off a foul odor. These are all results of the activity of pathogenic fungi. This cannot be allowed!
And the first thing to do is to learn exactly where this disease can be found.
Methods for fungal infection
Since it is an infection, the infection itself occurs when it comes in contact with it: either with the direct carrier, or otherwise with the place it has touched. That is, you can get infected:
- In the bathroom, bathtub or pool.
- When wearing shoes, socks or other items of a sick person.
- With direct bodily (physical) contact with him.
- In the gym or on the river and so on.
If the situation has already occurred, then it is important to know how to get rid of toenail fungus at home. It is important to know what pharmaceuticals are.
How does a nail fungus infection occur?
There are many ways to become infected. And if the fungi get in a humid and hot environment, then for some time they can multiply even in it, outside their biological carrier, which will only increase their population (concentration) in this particular place and significantly increase the risk of infection in healthya person in contact with such a place.
Therefore, if you visit public places, especially those exemplified above, always pay attention to the quality of cleaning in them, the degree of disinfection and the level of service provided in general.

And another, also very important point: carefully monitor your own hygiene (foot hygiene).
After all, even if the fungus comes to you, then you have up to 24 hours to get rid of them, without any negative consequences for your overall health.
So, it is advisable to perform preventive procedures every time you are at risk (after visiting a gym, sauna, contact with a sick person, etc. ). Choose for yourself what suits you best.
The best remedy against toenail fungus
Talking about how to get rid of toenail fungus, we can not fail to mention folk remedies, along with pharmaceuticals that have long been used by different generations.
1. Acetic acid (9%)
This is ordinary table vinegar. For 1 liter of warm clean water take 30, and for hardened skin of the feet - 45 milliliters of vinegar, dissolve it in water and immerse your feet in this solution for 15 minutes.
Then, if you have sensitive skin, it is recommended to rinse them with warm running water and make sure you dry thoroughly.
Then you can apply on your feet moisturizing nourishing cream, or a special antifungal prophylactic cream, or a remedy in another form.
2. Preparation
You can also use antifungal drugs, as well as their analogues, after any situation that increases the risk of your infection.
Still, it will be better for your safety if you use drugs from the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, after you have pre-treated your feet with one of the products prepared according to folk recipes, as in paragraph number 1, or in the followingparagraphs. . .
3. Hydrogen peroxide
You can buy it in almost any pharmacy. For 1 liter of warm water you will need about 15 milliliters of peroxide. Apply in the same way as vinegar. It is not recommended to resort to such procedures more often than once every 3-4 days.
4. Tea tree oil
It can be used in pure form (if your body absorbs it well) or diluted (for 1 liter of water - up to 20 drops of oil).
In its pure form, the oil is applied to the foot, especially carefully - on the nail plates and the area around them. You do not need to wash it. If you decide to use oil diluted with water, you can do this about once every two days.

You need to keep your feet in the solution for up to 20 minutes. Before using undiluted oil, the feet should be steamed in warm water, preferably with the addition of small amounts of laundry soap.
5. Strong natural coffee
A very unusual method, given the fact that you should not drink coffee, but keep your feet in it. It turns out that this favorite drink of many has pronounced antifungal properties.
Do you want your feet to emit the most pleasant smell of coffee and not be susceptible to fungal infections?
Then keep your feet in strong natural coffee for 15-17 minutes. The procedure can be performed daily. The coffee should be slightly warm but not hot!
Prevention measures
So, from the above you can draw a few conclusions that will definitely help prevention:
- Avoid visiting potentially dangerous (in terms of pollution) places.
- If the first rule is missed - take all measures to reduce the risk of fungus (vinegar, peroxide, coffee, etc. ).
But that's not all! These tips will help you protect yourself even more and complete the overall picture of prevention:
- Strengthen your immune system in affordable ways: spend more time in the fresh air, avoid severe stressful situations, eat rationally.
- Get enough sleep and rest well, exercise or stay in shape.
Always wear clean and fresh shoes, socks, never borrow them from other people, observe the prevention of feet (it is recommended to wash them with household or special bactericidal soap, which will also help in the fight, prevent fungus).
Shoes can also be treated (about once a week) with a special antifungal agent or with vinegar, peroxide dissolved in water (if this does not damage the shoes).
Visit a dermatovenerologist at least once every six months for preventive examinations!
How to get rid of toenail fungus with medication
Despite the high efficiency of those folk remedies that are currently offered in the arsenal of alternative medicine, the means produced in pharmaceutical factories by modern prescriptions are in great demand.
And last but not least - thanks to the really obvious and proven effectiveness.
Let's look at the most popular, safe and fastest. They come in a variety of forms. Most often these are ointments, creams, sprays.

And also - it can be applied both externally and externally. If the fungus is neglected, then it is best to combine the use of internal drugs with the use of external agents.
A qualified doctor will undoubtedly help you choose the best option for their combination. We will look at what options exist in general.
- Oral (for oral administration) drugs. They, as a rule, are not used for prevention, but serve for high-quality treatment of the fungus.
- Healing liquid. It's already quite old, but it has nevertheless proven its effectiveness, it means. Now it is not as popular as, say, a few decades ago. But some pharmacies still make this liquid on request - on prescription. It can be used both for prevention (from time to time) and for treatment.
- Place. This drug generally has no direct destructive effect on pathogenic fungi and harmful microflora. But it excludes their reproduction, as it completely deprives them of a nutrient medium: the feet do not sweat with regular use of this paste.
- Antifungal special nail polishes. Today, they are an alternative to many pharmaceutical products, as they allow both to avoid infection and at the same time to take care of your nails.
- Prevention sprays. They can be used both to treat and to prevent the development of disease. But if you have used the drug for prophylaxis, you must go through the entire shortened course, otherwise the next time the drug may be ineffective.
Disinfection of shoes for nail fungus
This is one of the important points: shoes should always be dry and clean. It must be cleaned, washed, dried in time. The above sprays can be used to treat the inside of the shoe.
The above article gave advice on its treatment with solutions of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. You need to have several pairs of shoes for the season to be able to change them using the next pair while the previous one is in the disinfection stage.
Prevention is very important for maintaining healthy nails. But if you notice signs of infection: the nail plate has become thinner or, conversely, thickened, changed color, began to exfoliate, etc. , then it may be advisable to talk about treatment.
But remember that the best way to treat nail fungus is to prevent it from occurring. Folk remedies will help you with this.
Check all medications with your doctor.
Take care of yourself and your health. Be healthy!